Monday, June 30, 2008

Seeing the Light

"I will take charge of my life. I will drift no more. I will still be true to science, but I will be true to my new light also. I will be a sceptic about everything but one thing, which does not admit of scepticism (once one has clearly seen it), namely that it does indeed matter to be as quickened a spirit as possible, and to live for the quickening of the spirit everywhere."

I don't break cover and advertise my strange thoughts all that often. (Really.) But, while you may think that the biggest problem I have is the lack of a comprehensive model, I still think that the biggest problem I have is replication. As in, if I am the only one who can see things in accordance with a 5-dimensional model, then I think the word for that is 'delusion'. ;)

As I said, I don't break cover often, but when I do, it's usually with someone with whom I have had enough conversation/interaction to be reasonably certain that they

1) are psychologically stable.
2) have enough integrity to look at new ideas and themselves openly and critically.
3) have an interest in things aren't explained by today's standards of materialist reductionism.
4) have found the right combination of searching and skeptical.

Then, if the conversation is headed in the right direction, a certain meme may get planted. ;)

Planted the meme again yesterday. I'm still 'best-guessing' at the conditions under which the meme will thrive, so there's no guarantee that it will take hold. Perhaps a 5-dimensional model simply doesn't represent enough of value to the average person, and therefore it will not be something that will ever be adopted on a large scale. The average person seems to be mostly content with his knowledge of a world governed by classical physics and a God who fills in the gaps. (sigh)

In the meantime, I continue to work on the model, simply because it's the most fascinating puzzle I've ever found.

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